Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Bipartisan Stupidity

Bipartisan Stupidity

FMQB: Two Senators Push Expansion On Indecency Bill

Ahhh... isn't it nice when the Dems & the GOP work together? Bipartisanship is grand ain't it? Except when they're working together to do something painfully stupid.
So, it's not enough that the FCC can pull their iron fists out of their arses and point and "indecent" material readily available to the public, now they need to be allowed to control what I watch on cable & satellite. Sens Hutchison and Rockefeller need to go find something useful to do, like balance the budget, figure out foreign policy, or go hunting with Cheney.
See, I PAY for satellite. It's bad enough I have to pay money for channels that show more commercials, but the government has NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to start controlling the content of services that I pay for.
When you start censoring content that goes out over all the airwaves, you may see it as protecting children but I see it as telling adults what they can and can't watch. Parents should be controlling what kids watch anyway, not the government.
Looks like it's another Democrat trying to legislate my life under the guise of "helping the helpless" and a Republican who believes that Christian Morality is the ONLY morality. Screw you both. I can't do much about Rockefeller, but I am a Texan and I CAN do something to affect Sen Hutchison.
C'mon people! Take back our country from these bureaucrats and sell-outs! Goverment is not here to legislate morality!

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